4 research outputs found

    Case report of a clinically indolent but morphologically high-grade cutaneous mast cell tumor in an adult:Atypical cutaneous mastocytoma or mast cell sarcoma?

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    We present a case of an adult male with a solitary mast cell tumor of the skin with unusual nuclear pleomorphism and mitotic activity. The tumor was excised, recurred within 2 years, was reexcised after 4 years and did not recur >6 years after diagnosis. The tumor showed progressive cytonuclear atypia and a high mitotic and proliferation rate by Ki67‐staining from the onset. No KIT mutations were identified in the tumor and bone marrow. Serum tryptase levels and a bone marrow aspirate and trephine biopsy were normal. Although the histomorphology of the skin tumor was consistent with mast cell sarcoma, the clinical behavior without systemic progression argued against this diagnosis. The tumor was finally considered as atypical mastocytoma, borderline to mast cell sarcoma. Currently, the patient is in close follow‐up and still in complete remission

    Clinical presentation of laboratory confirmed neurosyphilis in a recent cases series

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    Objective: The worldwide increase in the incidence of syphilis necessitates alertness to the occurrence of neurosyphilis. Early recognition of neurosyphilis allows for timely treatment, leading to a better treatment outcome. This retrospective study aims to describe the clinical presentation of neurosyphilis in a recent series of neurosyphilis patients. Method: All patients were included with a new, laboratory confirmed, diagnosis of neurosyphilis in the period 2004-2018. The clinical data were analysed. Results: 34 neurosyphilis patients (1 woman and 33 men) were identified. Age varied from 31-84 years (median age: 44 years). A history of syphilis infection was known for 11 (32%) patients; 12 (35%) patients were HIV seropositive. The distribution of the clinical syndromes was as follows: 16 patients with early neurosyphilis (acute meningitis, meningovasculitis and/or uveitis), 9 patients with late neurosyphilis (General Paralysis of the Insane and/or Tabes Dorsalis), 2 patients with symptoms of both early and late neurosyphilis, 6 patients with asymptomatic neurosyphilis and in 1 patient insufficient data were available to determine a clinical syndrome. Early neurosyphilis was seen in all age categories, late neurosyphilis only occurred in patients > 40 years. Conclusions: Neurosyphilis occurs in adults in all age groups, in men more frequent than in women, often in HIV-infected patients, and can present with a wide range of clinical syndromes. Usually no previous infection with syphilis is known